Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tired of the empty kettles.

Once I heard someone say that it is always the empty kettles that bang the loudest; meaning that it's always the people that have no clue what they are talking about that people seem to hear the most. One of the places this seems to happen the most is when people discuss politics. It seems to me that more and more people are choosing sides, confusing opinions with facts and carrying a "you're either with me or against me" attitude. As a moderate, this is really sad to me. I have lost friends on both sides of the spectrum because of this and I see our country becoming divided more and more everyday and it breaks my heart. In many of these cases, people are not even fighting about the issues, it's mindless "Conservatives are nazi's and they suck" or "Liberals are bleeding heart douchebags" and there is no rhyme or reason to any of this. I think both conservatives and liberal groups have good ideas and contribute to this country and I don't think we could make it without either side.

Granted I know this isn't true for all left and right wingers. I completly respect the conservatives and liberals that can state their opinion and listen to opposing opinions without resorting to name calling and fighting. However from what I am experiencing, these sensible people are becoming less heard because of the empty kettles.

No matter what your political affiliation is, we all still live in this country together and I feel that if we keep dividing ourselves, we will destroy ourselves long before any terrorists or outsiders do.


  1. No man is an island, but we seem to be acting that way more and more.

  2. I completely agree with this. personally i dont get into conversations about politics with people i know are strongly on one or the other side. i feel like i cant even have a conversation about anything because they get hung up on being this or that. They dont want to hear anything but what they belive.

  3. Whether we wish to turn back is no longer an option; we are actively engaged in an evolutionary moment within the history of man. It would certainly be nice to remain neutral and to avoid conflict but that exact attitude was what has intensified so many of our current social and economic problems.

    To remedy this, we must acknowledge our common interests and build off of that. They will always seek to divide us, that is nothing new. The poor from the middle class, The democrat from the republican, the black from the white, the Irish from the German, the catholic from the protestant, the confederate from the Yankee. The Working class has always been splintered by those who contort power. We have more incommon with those around us than our political climate would ever allow for us to admit.

    It is hard. It is very painful. We must enjoy the beauty of life but we must also take part in our moral and ethical responsibilities in making this a better world.

  4. I am not trying to remain neutral at all. I am suggesting that we celebrate our differences and use or different opinions to try and create a better place rather than use our seperate opinions to degrade eachother.
