Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Protecting Marriage.

I support gay marriage. Why? Because I don't see any good objective secular reason why they shouldn't be able to get married.

Today I saw this commercial and it made me sick.

Now this is what I do not understand. How are we protecting marriage by not allowing homosexuals to get married? How is it even constitutional in a country where we are supposed to have freedom (particularly freedom of religion) to ban gay marriage based on religious beliefs? What does it matter to the general public what homosexuals or anyone else decides to do with their personal life?

I think straight people damage the institution of marriage enough already.

I would also like to add that I have no problem with people who are against gay marriage. If you are against it, that is your right to have that opinion. What I have a problem with is the people who want to legally force their opinion on the general population.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Misused Words: Forsaken

Sometimes I hear words over and over in certain mediums that seem to strike me. For the last few years or so I have seen/heard the word forsaken a lot and I think many times that I see or hear it, it is used in the wrong context.

Perhaps I am misinterpreting the way people are using it, but to me it seems like when people use it, they mean that they are being insulted, taken advantage of or used.

According to Forsaken is listed as:

pp. of forsake.

deserted; abandoned; forlorn: an old, forsaken farmhouse.

So, I suppose if you are being insulted or taken advantage of, it may feel like you are being forsaken but technically the word means abandoned or deserted; "left behind" if you will.

Any thoughts?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Maybe I'm just bitter.

I realize that we are all limited by what we have experienced but I really wish some of these youngins at my school would get some experience already and come out from mommy and daddy's wings. I mean, I hear them whine about how mommy and/or daddy won't give them a ride somewhere or won't borrow them the car and what not. Here I am thinking 'Hell, sometimes I am lucky if my old rusty car will make it to school and I have had to skip school because I didn't have the gas money to get there.'

In my writing class the kids wanted to watch youtube videos the entire class period. The classes cost what...$160 a credit? I'd like to actually get something for that! I can watch youtube at home!

I'm not mad at the kids, it's not their fault. I just hope that when my kids are college age I have given them the skills and encouragement to have their own car and their own life. I think that with the fact that we are working poor and don't have the resources to hand life to them on a silver platter will definately help with that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"It's who you know, Not what you know"

One of the last things we talked about in my Interpersonal Communications class was Networking and I will admit the conversation kind of disgusted me. Basically the job market is "who you know, not what you know." I always knew this, at least to a certain extent. But one kid said he got a job simply because he liked the Green Bay Packers. There was no interview...nothing. The boss asked who his favorite player was and then said he got the job.

That is not really what annoyed me. The thing that bothered me was when I said "That's awful" my teacher said "That's just how it is"

So is this how our society works? Something is wrong, we know it's wrong but we still support it for our own selfish needs and desires? Is the whole world like this or just America?

I have no problem with using your friends and family to get a job (or hiring family or friends) if you truly know the field and would truly contribute something to that job market. For example, I work with developmentally disabled adults and my best friend is my boss. However I have worked with DD people before and I have skills that do well for that field.

Anyways, so why do we even go to college? Maybe we should all just take classes on how to kiss ass and give favors!