One of the last things we talked about in my Interpersonal Communications class was Networking and I will admit the conversation kind of disgusted me. Basically the job market is "who you know, not what you know." I always knew this, at least to a certain extent. But one kid said he got a job simply because he liked the Green Bay Packers. There was no interview...nothing. The boss asked who his favorite player was and then said he got the job.
That is not really what annoyed me. The thing that bothered me was when I said "That's awful" my teacher said "That's just how it is"
So is this how our society works? Something is wrong, we know it's wrong but we still support it for our own selfish needs and desires? Is the whole world like this or just America?
I have no problem with using your friends and family to get a job (or hiring family or friends) if you truly know the field and would truly contribute something to that job market. For example, I work with developmentally disabled adults and my best friend is my boss. However I have worked with DD people before and I have skills that do well for that field.
Anyways, so why do we even go to college? Maybe we should all just take classes on how to kiss ass and give favors!
There was no interview...nothing. The boss asked who his favorite player was and then said he got the job...My answer to the favorite player question would have been, "your mom"...