Friday, April 2, 2010

Because Alison Told Me Too

My best friend Alison said my next blog should be about how much she loves me. So here we go!

Alison and I met in the summertime when we were ten years old. I lived on the ground floor apartment (complete with patio) and she lived in the apartment above me. A couple of my moms drug addict friends were living with us at the time and their four year old son Jimmy had really long hair. I was out on the patio with the kids when I heard a female voice from the balcony speak to Jimmy...

"Hi little girl, what's your name?"

Jimmy replied "It's Jimmy"

The girl said "Did you say Jenny?"

By this time I thought the girl was dumb because even though he had long hair, he was still obviouly a boy and he obviously did not say Jenny. So I walked out from the patio, looked up at the girl with my hands on my hips and in a snotty voice exclaimed "He is a BOY and his name is JIMMY"

Alison and I did not become friends right away. We had many other catty girls attempt to get us to not be friends and Alison even accused me of "touching" her at a slumber party once (I totally did not, sorry hunny I don't swing that way) But by the end of that year we were inseperable.

We have lost track of eachother on and off throughout the years since both of our families moved around a lot. But we have always went out of our way to look for eachother again.

Now Alison is my boss and she must love me if she actually agreed to have me as an employee. Alison once told me that we are platonic soul mates and I think that is true because she is the only person I can be around for long periods of time without begining to ponder the need to carry a concealed weapon.

So Alison I dedicate this post to you and here is to another 20 years of friendship!

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